Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs, PhD, DSc, Eng, PAS, MAE

Rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Program for the New Term

A dream will always triumph over reality, once it is given the chance

— Stanisław Lem

Arkadiusz Wójs

My program for the new term is closely aligned with the provisions of the Strategy of Wrocław University of Science and Technology 2023-2030, the draft of which I submitted to the Senate in May 2023 and with which I fully identify.

My task as rector for the next term will therefore be to continue implementing this Strategy through the realization of the defined goals.

In particular, I am committed to upholding the vision of Wrocław University of Science and Technology as enshrined in the Strategy: “As a European multidisciplinary technical university, affirming freedom, truth, curiosity, and the joy of cognition, we conduct interdisciplinary education and research to meet the expectations of society and the economy.”

Similarly, I support the choice made with the entire University community of the cardinal values of excellence, collaboration, and openness.

Below, I synthesize the 21 most important topics and projects initiated in the current term, which I intend to develop, continue, or complete.



Building an engaged, inclusive, effectively communicating, safe, and open community – adapting the University for people with special needs, developing tools for effective two-way communication, regular opinion surveys, developing community infrastructure, streamlining the service structure, and improving supervisor-subordinate relations, countering pathologies and appropriate systemic response, internationalizing the community, implementing rules developed on the basis of work-life balance surveys, etc.


Integration of Wroclaw Tech with the Unite! alliance. – Internationalization of education, construction of a virtual campus and a common research platform, development of academic exchange, support for internationalization and integration of student activities, etc.; also: development of cooperation with other strategic European partners (TU Dresden and TU Munich).


Research centers – absorption of substantial funds obtained and implementation of investments in building and apparatus infrastructure of new centers (CITO, CIM, CIMOP, CZSIT, CMN3, CZTSE) and strengthening of the potential of older ones, development of the role of interdisciplinary research centers inside the University and their cooperation with the environment, inclusion in their activity of research staff, doctoral students and students from various departments and disciplines, building the image of the centers externally, construction and exposure of the research offer.


Research laboratories – realization of investments in the infrastructure of new specialized laboratories (LBFSRP, LSBMW) and open laboratories (ATOM) and commissioning of more, ensuring wide access to open laboratories.



Development of cooperation with the economy, especially institutional cooperation with major partners (KGHM, PGE, Intel, Orlen/PGNiG, etc.) and networking and ecosystem building (Macrocluster, centres, councils), development of the scale (including financial) of cooperation using dedicated research centres and accredited laboratories, supported by partnership agreements.


Establishment of a dedicated department for comprehensive support of applications and implementation of Horizon Europe projects (ERC, EIC, MCS, etc.).



Preparation of the University for the next edition of the IDUB competition.



Implementation of planned construction projects: renovation of buildings C-11 and T-7, construction of an Architectural Prototype Lab, Student Innovation Campus, etc.



HTSH – planning and implementation of a huge investment (budget of 400 million PLN): Health Tech Synergy Hub (concept: combining the functions of the Medical Faculty headquarters, med-tech research and development centre, headquarters of med-tech scientific circles and startups, and a medical facility; construction: modern building with 8 floors and an area of 18 thousand m2, at Wybrzeze Wyspiańskiego – on the site of the former Wroclaw Tech canteen).


The Faculty of Medicine – completion of planned and started investments, preparation of the medical faculty for PKA evaluation, preparation of the discipline of medical sciences for evaluation and obtaining full academic rights.



Continuation of the computerization process – implementation of the electronic document management system and elimination of paper workflow, development of security systems and procedures, completion of the digitization of teaching rooms, etc.; full integration and adaptation of the USOS system to the specifics of the university – installation of complementary modules and functionalities; launch of the new Wroclaw Tech portal with an expanded intranet for internal communication.


Development of student activity – creating conditions for various activities of even more students, development of student infrastructure and its functions (e.g. SKS and KIS), development of cultural activities of students, support of large student events (e.g. Juvenalia), consistent increase in funds for the activities of scientific circles and student organizations and the self-government (e.g., for the “student participatory budget” announced before the pandemic), an efficient Student Activity Support Department and improvement of the support system for obtaining and accounting for increasing funds from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, NCBR and business.


Continuation of the process of including active students, doctoral students and young employees in the shaping of the University – inclusion of representatives of student and doctoral student self-governments in the councils of the centres, consultation with the self-governments on decisions concerning students and doctoral students (creation of solutions relevant to student activity – e.g., the “unfortunate” ZW34/2017, changes to the educational model, creation of incentive systems and rewards, development of solutions for special treatment of individual situations – e.g., student-athlete, etc.).


Development of participation – e.g., development of the Polytechnica Nova program based on feedback (adding a civic budget for small projects with guaranteed implementation, etc.).



Actions for greater presence of international research and teaching staff at the University – integration with Unite!, development of Invitatio program, construction of an academic hotel, etc.



Continuing the process of change in the administration, including by making work at the University more attractive and retaining/attracting talented and committed employees; valuing the contribution of the administration to the collective success of the University; creating and developing tools dedicated to supporting the professional development of this group; improving the efficiency of their work (e.g. by streamlining and speeding up procedures) to increase the competitiveness of the University and significantly strengthen support for research, education, student activity, inter-institutional cooperation and the digital area; the administration should naturally adapt continuously to new needs and (with full reciprocity) become increasingly friendly to researchers and teachers.


Development of teaching methods and tools – modernization (problem-, challenge-, research-based learning), making education more flexible (e.g., in terms of combining studies with work) and attractive; increasing the role and certification of students’ own activity; implementation of microcredentials for microprograms addressed to Wroclaw Tech students and others (also in cooperation with other universities).


Development of teaching excellence – supporting the development of activities of the Centre for Teaching Excellence, gradual implementation of modern tools and methods of education, development of motivation and development programs for teachers; supporting teaching careers.


Development of research excellence – development or revision of current incentive and development programs for researchers (with the prospect of promotion to the ranks of research universities and gaining significant resources for them); activation of interdisciplinary cooperation to achieve synergies; intensification of application for national and international research projects; reduction of teaching salaries of research and teaching staff by 10% on average (e.g. levels: professor – 150h, university professor – 180h, assistant professor – 210h, assistant – 240h); also: supporting returns to the research path or first successes.


Development of academic sports and use of its role integrating the community, offering recreation and building the image of the University; systemic support of student-athletes.



Improving the comfort of working and studying – e.g. medical facility (occupational medicine, family doctor, specialized offices, psychological support) at HTSH, IT system for parking reservation, further development of bicycle infrastructure, relaxation and tranquility zones, working out the formula for the operation of recreation centres (Ustka, Karpacz) and adapting them to the needs of the University community, etc.

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